Railway Park Colegiales.
THIRD PRIZE - Public Competition

Situation: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Program: Mixed Uses, Public Space, Co-Living, Co-Workings, Retail
Year: 2018
AISENSON Arquitectos & Lama Soler
Associated Architects: Leandro Crook & Karla Montauti
Assistance: Luciano D’Andrea, Juan Ignacio Bereilh, Huang I-Lan, Martin Faingold, Zhang HeHui, Marcelo Ramos Soto, Valeria Lagos, Carlos Escobar, Rocío García Reinoso.
Premises for the development of Housing and Park in the consolidated City: Identity and urbanity as a guarantee of social substantivity.
Identity, it is the ability of a new urban sector to offer its inhabitants the conditions of roots, satisfaction of urban functions, containment and quality of public and social life such as that which a pre-existing consolidated neighbourhood of the city.
Urbanity, it is the degree of vitality that, to achieve a balance between public life and private life, is given to a new urban area through the density of the house, its ground floors, the level of its facilities, the mix of uses, access to transportation and recreation for its inhabitants of different ages.