Cross-Border City
International Competition

Urban regeneration project for connecting the two cities of Gorizia and Nova Gorica by designing a common central area: the Europe Square - Piazzale Della Transalpina and the transcultural hub EPICenter. This crossborder Competition address the problem of uniting a city once divided by a border which no longer exists as a physical barrier in today’s EU.
"Fate be changed, look inside, mend the bond torn by pride." Architecture can be an act of repair. Our project strategy is to design following the path of this line in time: first into the past, burying it, not in order to forget it but as a reminder of human arbitrariness (20th century museum). Then, towards the present, converted into light, a common edge and a space for celebration (Europe Square). And finally towards the future, saying no to divisions and conflicts, making a cross out on the old border. This sign is also a crossroads, a landmark for the new transshipment culture.
Type: International Competition.
Situation: Gorizia (Italy) + Nova Gorica (Slovenia)
Client: EGTS GO, Municipality of Nova Gorica, Municipio of Gorizia.
Endorsed by: International Union of Architects (UIA)
Program: Urban Cross-border Concept, Europe Square, Transcultural Hub EPICenter.
Year: 2020-2025
Authorship: Karla Montauti & Juan Vicente Pantín
Assistance: Pablo Zapata, José Vicente Fazio.
Renders: Zapata Films