ReThinking Resistencia City.
FIRST PRIZE UNANIMOUS - Public Competition 2021

Ecological, Cultural and Organized.
Public Space is what defines the existence of the city.
The central axis of the proposal is to establish an smart strategy with very few operations achieving huge repercussions in the Urban Space and the life of the people.
Conceptually, the idea of the project was framed in the redistribution of existing resources, taking the rigid modular grid of city blocks and grouping them into supra modules of 4x4, 4x3 and 3x3 blocks. The intention is to create micro-neighbourhoods of mixed and dynamic uses, where citizens solve 80% of their daily activities in less than 12 blocks around. The best strategy for mitigating CO2 emissions and optimising mobility is precisely avoiding the need to move long distances. We promote Eco-mobility by overcoming the old 2meters bike path to 3.30meter bio-path for bicycles, hoovers, electric skateboards, etc.
In addition to this organisational action, we establish a re-connection with the essence of the natural territory. Avoiding the separation between rural and urban, the proposal establishes a Naturalisation of the City by incorporating a Network of Micro-Forests as devices that guarantee absorption in the face of constant floods and triple the access per inhabitant to the green space established by the WHO.
We propose a city not only for human beings, but for all living beings. ECO Resistencia's mission is to fill the streets with life.
Award: First Prize Public Competition
Situation: Resistencia City, Chaco. Argentina
Client: Resistencia Municipality
Endorsed by: FADEA
Program: Rethinking the City of Resistencia, public space, green zones, eco-mobility
Year: 2021
Area: 4.000.000 sq.m.
Karla Montauti + Elizabeth Vergara
Guillermo Tella (Urbanism & Mobility)
LPyDP Leandro Castillo (Landscape & Sustainability)
Ana Falú (Urban Inclusion)
Scott Francisco (Cities4Forests).
Melany Vergés, Carlos Joel Fernández, Lucas Pablo Bertoli.
3D Visualization:
Hand Drawings:
Karla Montauti